Welcome to my world

Hi, I’m Laura Reynolds

Born on March 7th, 1984, my world has always revolved around colours, patterns, and the creative spirit of design. This passion led me into the vibrant world of graphic design, where I've had the pleasure of turning concepts and ideas into visual masterpieces.

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What I Do

My Cover Letter

My journey as a Graphics Designer has been a tale of continuous learning, experimentation, and crafting compelling visual stories. Over the years, I've had the privilege of working with diverse clients, ranging from multinational corporations to budding startups, all of whom sought distinct narratives for their brands. My strength lies in my ability to understand a brand's essence and translate it into designs that resonate and engage. Staying updated with the latest design trends and software tools, I strive to ensure that my creations are both contemporary and timeless.

Laura Reynolds

Everything About me

Watch My Video Job Interview

Education | Experience | Skills

My Resume

My Qualifications


Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design

University of the Arts London (2002-2005)
London, UK

At the University of the Arts, I immersed myself in a world of creativity, learning the intricacies of graphic design, typography, and visual storytelling. Practical workshops and collaborative projects further enriched my design skills and conceptual understanding.

Diploma in Graphic Designer


This program equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of design principles, digital tools, and creative techniques. Throughout my studies, I honed my skills in visual communication, typography, and image manipulation, preparing me to excel in the dynamic field of graphic design. My educational journey in the vibrant and culturally rich environment of London has not only provided me with a solid foundation but also fostered my passion for creativity and visual expression.

My Career

Job Experience

Creative Minds Agency

Graphics Designer (2010-Current)

At Creative Minds, I've led design projects for over 50 clients, creating brand identities, advertising campaigns, and digital designs. Collaborating with marketing teams, I've ensured that designs align perfectly with branding goals and marketing strategies.

Pixel Perfect Studios

Junior Designer (2006-2010)

Starting as a Junior Designer at Pixel Perfect, I was involved in assisting senior designers, understanding client requirements, and creating initial design mock-ups. This foundational experience honed my technical skills and client communication abilities.


My Skills

Advanced Design Software Proficiency (Adobe Suite)
Brand Identity Creation
Digital & Print Design
Typography & Layout Design
Client Communication & Brief Interpretation
UI/UX Design Basics
Creative Problem Solving
What colleagues / Clients Say


Daniel Roberts

Creative Director | Creative Minds Agency [email protected]

"Laura's designs have always been a blend of creativity and strategic thinking. Her capacity to grasp the essence of a brand and manifest it visually has been a boon to our agency."

Prof. Helen Marsh

Lecturer, Graphic Design Department | University of the Arts London [email protected]

"Even during her academic years, Laura showcased tremendous promise. Her designs were not only aesthetically pleasing but also thought-provoking. She's a true asset to the design community."


Contact With Me


Laura Reynolds

I am available for freelance work. Connect with me via and call in to my account.

Phone: +44078 0604 2470 Email: [email protected]
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