Brian N. Fincher

Curriculum Development & Implementation

Student Assessment & Feedback

Interactive Teaching Techniques

Classroom Management

Literacy Promotion

e-Learning Platforms Proficiency

Continuous Professional Development

About Me

Born on November 20th, 1984, the realm of education and knowledge has always beckoned me. This passion led me to embrace the role of a teacher, where I strive every day to enlighten minds and foster curiosity.

  • Name . . . . . Brian N. Fincher
  • Age . . . . . 39
  • DOB . . . . . November 20, 1984
  • Address . . . . . 374 Ben Street, Albany, NY 12210
My Skills
  • Curriculum Development & Implementation
  • Student Assessment & Feedback
  • Interactive Teaching Techniques
  • Classroom Management
  • Literacy Promotion
  • e-Learning Platforms Proficiency
  • Continuous Professional Development
English Teacher
Lincoln High School

At Lincoln High, I've introduced innovative teaching methodologies, emphasizing interactive learning. My responsibilities span curriculum planning, student assessment, and fostering a positive learning environment. I've also mentored students for various literary events and competitions.

Assistant Teacher
Jefferson Middle School

Starting as an Assistant Teacher at Jefferson, I supported senior teachers in lesson planning and execution, organized extracurricular workshops, and facilitated after-school tutoring sessions.

Teaching Aide
Monroe Elementary School

My initial foray into the teaching profession began at Monroe Elementary, where I served as a Teaching Aide. In this role, I collaborated with classroom teachers in creating engaging lesson plans, managed class materials, and provided one-on-one support to students needing extra assistance.

Educational Content Developer
EduTech Solutions

Before immersing fully into classroom teaching, I collaborated with EduTech Solutions, a startup focused on developing educational software. Here, I crafted content for digital learning modules and interactive quizzes, aligning them with school curricula and ensuring they were pedagogically sound.

Master's in Education
University at Albany, State University of New York
Albany, NY

At SUNY Albany, I deepened my understanding of pedagogical techniques, curriculum development, and student psychology. This program enriched my teaching toolkit and equipped me to address varied classroom scenarios.

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
University at Albany, State University of New York
Albany, NY

My undergraduate studies honed my analytical skills and appreciation for literature, setting a strong foundation for my subsequent teaching career. Lincoln High School

Associate Degree in General Studies
Hudson Valley Community College
Troy, NY

Before venturing into specialized academic pursuits, I commenced my higher education with a broad-based curriculum at Hudson Valley Community College. This program exposed me to various academic disciplines, enabling me to discover my profound interest in literature and pedagogy.

"Literature Through Ages" Workshop 2018

Designed and led a workshop that took students on a journey through literary epochs, from classics to contemporary writings, enhancing their appreciation for the literary world.…

Digital Learning Initiative 2019

Collaborated with fellow teachers to integrate digital tools into the curriculum, fostering an interactive and tech-savvy learning environment.…

"The Storybook Club" Initiative 2015

"The Storybook Club" was not just an after-school program; it was a literary haven that sought to foster a deep love for stories and reading amongst students. Recognizing the increasing distractions in the digital age and the consequent diminishing reading habits, this initiative was a conscious effort to rekindle the joy of getting lost in a book.…

Get in Touch
  • Name . . . . . Brian N. Fincher
  • Email . . . . . [email protected]
  • Phone . . . . . +1-518-267-8017
  • Address . . . . . 374 Ben Street, Albany, NY 12210
Cover Letter

Throughout my teaching career, I've been devoted to not only imparting academic knowledge but also inculcating a love for learning in my students. My approach extends beyond textbooks; it's about nurturing critical thinkers and responsible citizens for tomorrow. I've worked with a diverse range of students, each with their unique strengths and challenges, and I take pride in adapting my teaching methods to cater to individual needs. In this ever-evolving educational landscape, I am committed to continuous learning and professional development to ensure my students receive the best.

Brian N. Fincher
My Video Job Interview
Brian's commitment to education and his innovative teaching methods have consistently set him apart. He's been instrumental in elevating our school's English department to new heights.
Helen Wright
Principal | Lincoln High School

Brian showcased commendable dedication and insight during his academic years. His passion for teaching and student development was evident early on.
Prof. James Arnold
Head, Department of Education | University at Albany, SUNY

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