Get Your Dream Job

Nail the recruitment process with Servoo Career Counseling - your secret weapon

“Servoo Executive has changed my life: One week & four interviews later, I will be making 150% more doing the job I chose.”

Sarah from NY, USA

Got hired in UK with Servoo Executive

“I needed a complete service, on the highest level, that would fit within the tight hiring schedule. The Servoo Executive was exactly that and much more.”

Alex from Vancouver, Canada

Got hired as CISO with Servoo Executive

“The Servoo team, with their expertise in resume writing, wrote exactly the resume I wanted!”

Emily from Milan, Italy

20 years of experience, leading two start-ups to exit, and consulting tens of companies


“I booked really fast and received great support for a price that is hard to get anywhere else.”

Michael Chang

Got hired in Italy


Not sure what to pick?Chat With us now or contact us.

Not interested in a package?

You can book each service individually.

Get a Professionally Written Hyper Cv Content

Craft a powerful personal brand with a professionally designed Hyper CV that highlights your skills, achievements, and unique qualities.

How does it work?


Let’s start

Upload your resume and then answer a quick questionnaire about your career goals.


Hyper Cv Content

Our expert Hyper CV content writers will start developing your resume first draft.


Hyper Cv Strategy

More than just a Hyper Cv Content service! You will also learn how to tailor your Hyper CV with strategy and confidence.



After you receive the first draft you'll have the opportunity to add, edit and collaborate on content to ensure your Hyper CV is perfect.



As many itineraries until the Hyper CV is perfect and you’re ready to start applying for your dream job!

Hyper CV Review by Experts

Unsure about your Hyper CV? Send it our way and let our experts review to make it perfect!

How does it work?


Let’s go

Choose the Hyper Cv you would like us to review.


Book a review session

At your convenience, book a 30 minutes Session with our experts.



Our Counselors will provide advice and strategy to enhance your Hyper CV.



With our feedback, you can create a strategic Hyper CV to land your dream job!

LinkedIn Revamp

Want to optimize your LinkedIn profile? Our experts will revamp your profile to make it more searchable and converting!

How does it work?


Let’s Start

Book a Session with one of our executive Career Counselors.


Profile Revamp

Revamp your Linkedin with engaging content so you’re noticed by the right recruiters.


Job Search Strategy

You learn how to optimize your network, improve algorithms, and diversify your job search strategy.



New content and strategy delivered via email or any other channel provided so you can continuously review and explore LinkedIn with confidence!

Cover Letter Writing by Experts

Writing an appealing cover letter is not easy. Our industry experts are ready to write an incredible cover letter with you!

How does it work?


Let’s go!

Upload a draft, job description, or simply let us write one from scratch


Book an intro Session

Book a 30-minute intro Session so we can get to know you and your career goals


Cover letter writing

Either based on an old cover letter or together on the session, we will write a new cover letter!


Get the cover letter

You will receive your cover letter within 72 hours and review it with the expert


Final review

With your new cover letter you are all set to apply to your desired role!

Nail Your Next Job Interview

Doing an interview is one thing but nailing your job interview is another. Our Career Counselors will show you how to nail your next job interview.

How does it work?


Let’s roll!

Book your session with one of our counselors


Role overview

We will create a complete interview guide focused on your desired role


Mock interview

Over a 45-minute session we will train and improve your interview skills



You will receive complete written feedback about your interview skills


Nail your interview!

Time to impress the recruiter and hiring manager

Next steps

Servoo Career Counseling Image
Choose package

Choose the package that suits you the best!

Servoo Career Counseling Image
Book a Session

Immediately get to know your career counselor

Servoo Career Counseling Image
Work starts immediately

Together with your career counselor build a hiring roadmap as we start working on your documents

Servoo Guarantee Image

The Servoo Guarantee

Confident and secured with Servoo Career Counseling

Satisfaction guaranteed
Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back

If you’re not satisfied during the first 30 days, we will fully refund you. As simple as that.

Satisfaction guaranteed

higher chances of

getting an interview


higher chances of

multiple offers

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